The Importance of Indoor Air Quality

Apr 18, 2022

Indoor air pollution is unavoidable, whether you realize it or not. Did you know that on average the air in your Huntersville, NC home is around 2-5 times more polluted than the air outside? It is extremely important to focus on improving your IAQ (indoor air quality) and maintaining it. The health and comfort of you and your family depends on having good indoor air quality. Fortunately, there are things you can do to improve your Huntersville, NC home indoor air quality. Keep reading below to learn more about the importance of IAQ and how you can improve it.

Main Reasons to Improve IAQ

Like we mentioned above, your home indoor air quality and you and your family’s health is directly related to your home comfort and your health and well-being. Below are some of the main reasons to improve your indoor air quality.

  • Improved home comfort
  • Avoid allergy triggers
  • Prevent asthma attacks
  • Reduce the risk of illness
  • Keep your HVAC system running efficiently and effectively

How to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Change Your Air Filters

One of the best things you can do to keep your heating and cooling system running efficiently and effectively while also keeping your Huntersville, NC home indoor air quality high is to regularly change your air filters. Clean air filters not only allow for proper airflow throughout your HVAC system, they also can effectively trap air pollutants floating through your HVAC system. When they are dirty, they restrict your HVAC system airflow and allow pollutants to circulate throughout your Huntersville, NC home.

Schedule Regular HVAC System Maintenance

Secondly, scheduling regular heating and air conditioning system maintenance is extremely important. It’s important if you want your HVAC system running efficiently and effectively and it’s also important for maintaining high indoor air quality throughout your Huntersville, NC home. Maintenance appointments include a thorough inspection of your heating and cooling system while also providing your HVAC equipment with a thorough cleaning. The cleaner your HVAC system, the higher your home IAQ will be.

Install Indoor Air Quality Products

Finally, you can purchase and install indoor air quality products to improve the IAQ in your Huntersville, NC home. Humidifiers and dehumidifiers can help to balance the moisture levels in your home to prevent mold and mildew. Indoor air purifiers act as whole home air cleaners and remove dirt, dust, bacteria, and some viruses from the air in your Huntersville, NC home.

If you’re interested in learning more about our professional heating and air conditioning services, check out our services page or give our Huntersville, NC office a call today! 

30 Jan, 2023
While both furnaces and heat pumps warm indoor air, they do so in different ways and in different heating capabilities, energy efficiency, cost, etc. That’s what makes the furnace vs heat pump debate so popular and engaging. If you are undecided on whether you should install a heat pump or a furnace in your Huntersville, NC home, this blog post is for you. Keep reading below to learn about some of the most common differences in heat pumps and furnaces. Furnace A furnace is a heating system that uses a fuel source to generate its own heat to provide warmth and comfort for your home or building. Furnaces are extremely dependable and reliable when it comes to heating your Huntersville, NC home no matter what the outside temperature is. To make a complete heating and air conditioning system for your home, you will need to pair your furnace with an air conditioner. Heat Pump A heat pump is a type of heating and cooling system that utilizes an outdoor unit and works similarly to an air conditioning system to provide both heating and cooling for a home. Heat pumps are more energy efficient but they do not actually generate heat like a furnace. Instead, a heat pump transfers heat. Heat pumps are great in mild climates because they cannot heat your Huntersville, NC home as efficiently as a furnace when the temperature outside gets near freezing and below. If you’re still confused on whether to purchase a heat pump or furnace, give the Air Crafters Heating & Cooling team a call today! Check out our products page to see some of the heat pumps and furnaces we carry and install. Our team is always here to help our customers in the greater Huntersville, NC area with any and all of their heating and air conditioning service needs.
29 Sep, 2022
With the fall season officially here, the temperatures are finally cooling down. Fall is an exciting time for most as we look forward to the crisp air, football games, and the cozy clothing that accompanies the cold weather. With this excitement, it’s easy to forget about the heating and air conditioning system preparations that come along with the change in season. To help keep your Huntersville, NC home nice and warm this fall and winter, there are a few things you can do to prepare your heating system for the upcoming season. Change Your Air Filters When the seasons change, it’s always a good reminder to change out your air filters. A dirty air filter not only decreases your home indoor air quality, it also restricts the airflow throughout your Huntersville, NC home. This forces your HVAC system to work harder to heat your home than it should be. We suggest checking your air filters once a month and changing them out every 1-3 months for optimal indoor air quality, comfort, and HVAC efficiency. Clean Around Your Outdoor Unit Make sure that your outdoor HVAC unit is free of leaves, bushes, debris, twigs, etc. This is important (and often overlooked) because debris can get in the coils or inside your outdoor unit and potentially cause a fire or another system malfunction. Keeping your outdoor HVAC unit free of debris will reduce the chance of surprising and expensive repairs in the long run. Schedule Professional HVAC Maintenance Finally, the best way to prepare your heating system for fall is to schedule a professional maintenance appointment with your local HVAC contractor. During the appointment, our HVAC technicians will thoroughly inspect your heating unit and make any necessary adjustments to ensure that your HVAC system is operating effectively and efficiently to heat your Huntersville, NC home. To learn more about our HVAC services, check out our service page or give the Air Crafters Heating and Cooling team a call today! We are always happy to help our customers here in the greater Huntersville, NC area with any of their heating and air conditioning service needs.
30 Aug, 2022
With the summer heat and humidity we face here in Huntersville, NC, it’s no secret that we need properly functioning air conditioning systems to keep cool and comfortable in our homes. Even the best air conditioners can run into issue with time, overuse, improper maintenance, etc. If your AC unit is no longer providing your Huntersville home with the cool comfort you need and deserve, the Air Crafters Heating and Cooling team is here to help! Keep reading below to learn about some common cooling system errors and how to troubleshoot them before calling in your local HVAC contractor. Check Your Thermostat The first thing you should do when your air conditioner starts acting up is to check your thermostat. Is your thermostat on? Is it on the correct settings? Make sure your thermostat is set to COOL and your fan is set to AUTO. You’d be surprised at how often thermostats get accidentally adjusted by members in your household. Ensure Your Air Vents are Open & Clean Secondly, make sure that all of your air vents are open and they are clean and free of any blockages. Closed air vents only force your air conditioner to work harder. The closed vents force your AC unit to push the cold air elsewhere and this imbalance could be causing the discomfort in your Huntersville, NC home. Change Your Air Filters Finally, make sure to check your air filters. Dirty air filters will cause airflow blockages throughout your HVAC system. Air filters not only help improve your home indoor air quality, they also help keep your HVAC system running efficiently. We suggest checking them once a month and changing them out once every 1-3 months for optimal comfort. If you’re interested in learning more about our professional air conditioning services, check out our services page or give the Air Crafters Heating & Cooling team a call today! We are always happy to help our customers with their heating and air conditioning service needs.
28 Jul, 2022
Dealing with an air conditioning problem in your Huntersville, NC home can cause a ton of frustration and discomfort. With the warm temperatures and high humidity levels we experience throughout most of the year, especially in the summertime, a function air conditioning system is a necessity. Fortunately, your AC unit will typically show some warning signs before it breaks down on you. Keep reading below to learn about some of the common signs of air conditioner failure. Weak Airflow One of the most common signs of air conditioning problems is when the airflow coming through the air vents feels weak or even nonexistent. The power from your AC unit comes from the compressor. If the compressor fails, the system won’t have enough power to move the air in your Huntersville, NC home so the weak air flow is often caused by a compressor problem. Warm Air Another common sign or air conditioner failure is warm air coming through the air vents. This can be very frustrating, especially on a warm day. The first thing to do is to make sure that your thermostat settings are properly set and the fan is on AUTO. If it’s set correctly, you could have a refrigerant leak on your hands. When this happens, it’s important to call your local HVAC contractor for professional help and refrigerant can be extremely hazardous. Strange Sounds or Smells Finally, strange sounds or smells coming from your AC unit is a sure sign that something is wrong with your air conditioner. You should never hear any loud noises coming from your AC unit. If you ever hear any loud banging, rattling, squeaking, etc., it’s time to call your local Huntersville, NC HVAC contractor. The same can be said for any strange smells coming from your AC unit. If you’re interested in learning more about our professional air conditioning services, check out our service page or give our Huntersville, NC office a call today!
30 Jun, 2022
Summer is officially here but the summer temperatures have been here for much longer and will continue to be here when summer ends. With this heat and humidity, you’ve most likely seen a spike in your energy bill because your air conditioner is working so hard to keep you comfortable. The team at Air Crafters Heating and Cooling believes that you shouldn’t have to sacrifice your bank account for your comfort. Here are some tips and tricks on how to lower your energy bill this summer, save some cash, and improve the comfort in your Huntersville, NC home. Close the Blinds The sun shining directly into your home through your windows is actually one of the biggest reasons your home will heat up in the summer (besides the actual outside temperature). You can avoid this warming effect from direct sunlight by drawing your curtains and closing your blinds, especially during the daytime. If you are someone who enjoys the natural light, just try this trick in a few of your rooms and you will still notice the effect it can have on the coolness of your home. Don’t Be Afraid to Raise the Temperature Some people fear that if they are constantly changing the thermostat temperature that this will actually cost you more money from the constant back and forth. However, this is not true. It takes more energy to cool your home at a lower temperature than if you were to raise your temperature when you leave for the day and lower it once again when you arrive home. That’s why programmable thermostats were invented. Don’t be afraid to raise your temperature when you are away from your Huntersville, NC home, you’ll be helping your wallet out. Use Your Ceiling Fans Your fans, whether you have ceiling fans or floor fans, can have a huge impact on the coolness level of your home. They will not lower the temperature in your home but they produce a cooling effect that will make your home more comfortable. Some studies have even shown that you can raise your temperature up to 4 degrees with your fans blowing and you will not notice a difference in the comfort level. Ceiling and floor fans work the same however if you do have a ceiling fan, be sure you have it turning counter clockwise to get the most out of it. This will help to best circulate the air in your home, allowing you to receive maximum comfort. To learn more about our professional air conditioning services, check out our services page or give our Huntersville, NC office a call today! The Air Crafters Heating and Cooling team is always here to help our customers with any heating and air conditioning service need they may have.
30 Mar, 2022
It’s no secret that owning a home requires a lot of maintenance including your yard, appliances, plumbing system, etc. But what about your heating and air conditioning system? Most homeowners don’t realize that their HVAC system needs regular professional maintenance. Just like your car, it’s important to keep up with routine AC maintenance for your Huntersville, NC cooling system. Keep reading below to learn about the best time to schedule air conditioning maintenance and how you and your Huntersville, NC home can benefit from it. How Often Should You Schedule AC Maintenance? One of the biggest mistakes that homeowners make when it comes their heating and air conditioning system is waiting until something goes wrong or breaks down to call for help. Instead of waiting for these problems to arise, you can and should be proactive. At Air Crafters Heating and Cooling, we suggest scheduling air conditioning maintenance once a year for optimal efficiency. The best time to schedule AC maintenance is in the early spring. Early spring is the ideal time for regular maintenance on your cooling system because your AC unit has been mainly out of service for the winter season and it’s about to be put in use every day in the late spring and summer. There is no ideal time to find an issue with your air conditioner but it’s best to find the issue and repair it before the summer arrives. Benefits of Regular Air Conditioning Maintenance Regular air conditioning maintenance can benefit not only your Huntersville, NC home but also your wallet. Some of the main benefits of routine AC maintenance include the following: Improved home comfort Reduced chance of costly repairs Increase in energy efficiency Lower energy usage and energy bills Improved indoor air quality Longer cooling system lifespan And more! To learn more about our professional air conditioning services, check out our AC service page or give our Huntersville, NC office a call today! We’re always happy to help our customers with any and every heating and air conditioning service need they may have.
15 Feb, 2022
We know how hard it can be to find a balance between keeping your Huntersville, NC home comfortable while also trying to keep your energy bills as low as possible. Some homeowners pride themselves in conserving as much energy as possible while some just want their home to be as comfortable as possible. Both types of homeowners can benefit from installing a smart thermostat since it provides the ability to conserve energy and maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. Keep reading below to learn about some of the major advantages of installing a smart thermostat in your Huntersville, NC home. Programming Ability Smart thermostats have the same programming capabilities as a programmable thermostat. They allow you to schedule your heating and cooling preferences ahead of time to increase your home energy savings. For example: you can set your thermostat to be at your desired temperature when you’re home and then set it to be closer to the outside temperature when away in order to cut back on energy usage without sacrificing your Huntersville, NC home comfort. Remote Control A smart thermostat works in tandem with your smartphone meaning you can access and manipulate your thermostat with your smartphone no matter where you are in the world. Smart thermostats connect to your home Wi-Fi which enables you to remotely control your Huntersville, NC heating and cooling system from anywhere in the world. Energy Savings Smart thermostats were designed to save homeowners money on their energy bills. With its programming and learning capabilities, you will be optimizing your heating and air conditioning system to run as efficiently and effectively as possible. Learning Capabilities Finally, smart thermostats are in fact “smart”. They can actually learn your home routine and your heating and cooling preferences and adjust your thermostat to fit your needs accordingly while also trying to optimize efficiency. In addition, a smart thermostat can also track your energy usage and tell you how it’s changed over time and what you can do in the future to save even more money on your energy bills. If you’re interested in learning about some of the smart thermostats we carry and install here at Air Crafters Heating and Cooling, check out our products page or give our Huntersville, NC office a call today!
28 Jan, 2022
With the cold winter days we’ve had in the past few weeks, it’s important to make sure your heating system is operating properly. But what if you notice that your furnace isn’t providing your Huntersville, NC home with the warmth and comfort it once did? If your furnace isn’t working how you want it or need it to work, the Air Crafters Heating and Cooling team is here to help you find out why. Keep reading below to learn about some of the possible reasons your heating system is no longer operating the way you want it to. Debris & Dirty Air Filters Did you know that most of the time the breakdowns we see on furnaces and heating systems are because there is too much dust and dirt buildup on the machine or the HVAC system air filters? Neglecting regular cleaning and replacing your furnace filters can result in unnecessary malfunctions and can lower your Huntersville, NC home comfort. If your furnace isn’t working, one of the first things you should do is to check your air filters and change them out if necessary and to clean off any debris or dust on your air vents and registers. Thermostat Error Another common issue we see homeowners run into when their furnace isn’t working is a simple thermostat error. A lot of homeowners set their fan to ON instead of AUTO. This means that your fan will be blowing air at all times including cold air when your furnace is cycled off. Because homeowners feel this cold air they often think that their furnace is malfunctioning when in reality, they just need a quick thermostat setting change. Something is Wrong Internally Finally, if your furnace has stopped working and you’ve tried everything to get it back up and running again, something is likely wrong internally and your furnace needs professional heating repair service. No appliance is built to last forever including your heating and air conditioning system. With regular use, the motor, belts, and bearings in your furnace can break. If you’ve tried everything you can on your own to get your furnace back up and running and it’s still struggling, it’s time to call the experts at Air Crafters Heating and Cooling. Our professional heating repair services will get your Huntersville, NC home feeling warm and comfortable again in no time.
30 Dec, 2021
With the winter season officially here, your furnace will continue to be put to good use in order to keep your Huntersville, NC home warm and comfortable for you and your family. This time of the year, and any time of the year, it’s important to consider how you can cut costs and save money. Look no further than you furnace and heating system! Did you know that an efficient heating system can save you money? The more efficient your HVAC system is, the less energy it uses and the lower your utility bill becomes. Below are some ways to ensure that your furnace is working at peak efficiency this winter. Insulate Your Home Your home’s insulation works in tandem with your heating and air conditioning system. The same goes for your windows and doors. In the winter time, your insulation keeps the warm air your furnace produces inside and prevents the cold outside air from entering. If your insulation in your Huntersville, NC home is inadequate, your heating system will have to work harder than necessary to heat your home. Proper insulation will ensure that your furnace is working as efficiently and effectively as possible this winter. Don’t Neglect Your Air Filters Most homeowners don’t realize the importance of their air filters. Dirty air filters greatly reduce the overall efficiency and effectives of your heating system. This translates to a higher energy bill and a lower quality of indoor air. We suggest checking your air filters once a month and changing them out once every 1-3 months for optimal efficiency, especially during the colder months. Use Your Thermostat Wisely Finally, be sure to use your thermostat wisely for optimal efficiency this winter. If you don’t already have a programmable thermostat in your Huntersville, NC home, now is the time to install one. They allow you to pre-program your heating schedule. That means you can set your thermostat to a lower temperature during the day while you’re at work and schedule it to increase when you’re typically home for high comfort. To learn more about some of the thermostats we carry and install here at Air Crafters Heating and Cooling, check out our products page or give our team a call today!
23 Nov, 2021
Maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature is a priority for homeowners all year long no matter where they live. In winter, you’re bound to be even more aware of how well your heating system is working, and what to replace it with should it give out on you and your Huntersville, NC home. When faced with the choice of replacing your heating systems, you have two options: a heat pump or a furnace. Both do a great job of heating your home but they come with their own advantages and disadvantages. Below, the Air Crafters Heating and Cooling experts will discuss the major differences between furnaces and heat pumps in hopes to help you figure out which is best for your Huntersville, NC home. Heat Pumps A heat pump does not require fuel to generate heat. In fact, heat pumps don’t create heat – they move it. Heat pumps take the idea that it is easier to move something rather than create it. In the winter time, heat pumps move warm air from outside into your Huntersville, NC home. A heat pump has various components that make the system work including and indoor air handler and an outdoor unit with a coil and a fan. Because a heat pump only moves heat from one place to another, the process can be reversed in the summer time to cool the inside of your home by removing the heat in your home to the outside. Pros & Cons Because heat pumps move heat, they can be used in reverse in the summer time. They are environmentally friendly and energy-efficient and generally cost less to operate in the winter time. However, heat pumps are less efficient in the colder climates when temperatures fall below freezing regularly. Since heat pumps are used year round, they require more maintenance and upkeep than furnaces and don’t have as long of a lifespan as furnaces do. Furnaces Furnaces take a different approach to warming your home by actually creating heat by burning fuel. There are four main components to a furnace: a burner, a blower, a heat exchanger, and a flue for the exhaust. The most common type of furnace is fueled by natural gas but reliable electric furnaces are also available. Furnaces burn fuel at a central unit and then blow warm air throughout your home through your ductwork. Pros & Cons Because furnaces create heat by burning fuel, they can heat your Huntersville, NC home really well. They are also not year round which means they typically have a longer lifespan than heat pumps. This also means that furnaces need less maintenance. Depending on the fuel you use and its local cost, furnaces can be more costly to run. If you’re interested in learning more about some of the heating systems we carry and install here at Air Crafters Heating and Cooling, check out our products page . To learn more about our professional HVAC services and how we can help your Huntersville, NC home, call our team today!
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